Preparing The Kitchen To be Really Clean, Really Speedily

We all love to have a really clean home.  Some manage to keep theirs squeaky clean all the time; some of us manage ‘passable’ . . .   Take the kitchen/dining area for example – this is rapidly becoming the social hub, the new living room, for most families.  With that elevated status comes the need to ensure clutter is cleared  regularly, school bags and equipment moved to the owner’s room, magazines and papers regularly pruned.

The kitchen, food preparation and eating areas, need regular cleaning – it’s essential to clear the decks first.  Training the family to put their used crockery in the dishwasher, or  just rinse off and stack by the sink is a good start.  Putting away ingredients after use, before serving up the meal also makes space.  After meals, washing up or attending to the dishwasher immediately gives a feeling of calm.  A bowl of hot anti bacterial cleaning solution and a well wrung cloth, a pair of household rubber gauntlets and the kitchen can be very clean in a matter of moments – but only if the preparations are in place first!